karakteristik utama pemimpin yang terlibat dalam bidang keahlian yang penting. Seperti pemimpin yang baik adalah komunikator yang sangat baik dan menunjukkan kehormatan individu yang tak terbantahkan. Mereka menerima, penuh harapan, dan memimpin dengan memberi contoh.
Dengan integritas, Anda tidak perlu takut, karena Anda tidak menyembunyikan apa pun. Dengan integritas, Anda akan melakukan hal yang benar, sehingga Anda tidak akan merasa bersalah.” – Zig Ziglar
Nilai pertama yang dilihat oleh setiap orang dalam perusahaan dalam diri seorang pemimpin adalah 'Integritas'. Integritas adalah kualitas inti yang harus dimiliki setiap pemimpin. Kejujuran penuh sangat penting bagi seorang pemimpin untuk semua yang mereka lakukan secara internal dan eksternal. Inti dari integritas adalah kejujuran. Seseorang harus berdiri untuk keyakinan mereka. Tidak peduli seberapa sulit situasinya, seorang pemimpin yang menginspirasi baik dengan prinsip-prinsip mereka. Bagi seorang pemimpin yang baik, tidak ada jalan pintas atau memilih pikiran dan tindakan atas keuntungan pribadi.
Integritas membuat pemimpin yang baik mengatakan yang sebenarnya, memberikan hasil yang etis dan bermoral.
Sebagai seorang pemimpin, jika Anda jujur dan beretika, maka Anda memiliki integritas pribadi yang tinggi. Integritas membangun kepercayaan yang Anda butuhkan untuk tim yang kuat dan meningkatkan kemungkinan mencapai tujuan tim.
Another important trait a leader needs to excel in is the ability to speak effectively and persuasively. Excellent communication is one of the keys to good leadership. An effective leader is someone who is a good orator and can communicate to get the work done. They are able to interact with others in a genuine way rather than being harsh. They choose words or expressions which suit the situation that allows others to express their thoughts and ideas. You are a good leader when you can communicate in various ways, from transmitting information to coaching your people. Also, able to listen to a wide range of people across roles, social identities, and more. Then it means you are already a good leader for your people/employees. You are very conscious and learn from the behaviours of other people to deeply understand human complexities.
An excellent leader does have to be an extrovert by nature. Many great leaders self-identify as introverts. As long as the effectiveness of communication within your company is in a direct, concise, and thoughtful manner. You demonstrate empathy, engage in active listening, build meaningful working relationships with those around you, either a peer or a direct report.
The Most Effective Leaders All Have One Thing in Common: Self-awareness.
Self-aware leaders understand their personal traits, habits and abilities that affect their interactions with people at the workplace. They actively reflect on their words, actions and work on their own shortcomings to lead their peers more effectively. Self-awareness leads to personal control and growth that helps leaders use their strengths to guide teams to the best possible outcomes. Self-aware leaders make better choices, impacts company finances, have a deeper understanding of their contribution and are realistic in their expectations. Self-aware leaders have distinctive micro traits such as empathy, reflection and humility. A large part of self-awareness comes from reflecting on your own thoughts, words and actions as you communicate with others.
“The more you can contain your ego, the more realistic you are about your problems. You learn how to listen, and admit that you don’t know all the answers. You exhibit the attitude that you can learn from anyone at any time. Your pride doesn’t get in the way of gathering the information you need to achieve the best results. It doesn’t keep you from sharing the credit that needs to be shared. Humility allows you to acknowledge your mistakes.” – Larry Bossidy
Humility is the most salient character trait associated with self-aware leaders. “Humility is a correct understanding of oneself, and that correct understanding leads to a better understanding of others — because once we love ourselves, we better learn to appreciate others as well.”
Empathetic leaders are perceptive, and they are aware of other's feelings and thinking. Being empathetic does not always mean to agree on other's views, but to appreciate and have a willingness to understand.
Leadership is about empathy. It is about having the ability to relate to and connect with people for the purpose of inspiring and empowering their lives. ~Oprah Winfrey
Understanding the needs of others helps self-aware leaders relate to those they lead. Empathy is a core leadership trait. This trait contributes to nurturing, understanding of perspectives of your team and not just sole communication. As live in a world with a constant communication loop that needs empathetic leaders.
To be a great leader, one must have a clear vision for the future.
“Good business leaders create a vision, articulate the vision, passionately own the vision, and relentlessly drive it to completion.” – Jack Welch
A good leader has a clear understanding of their journey to reach a particular goal or accomplish an objective. More than just a clear understanding of the exciting idea, they are excellent at strategic planning. This quality separates a leader from a manager.
A leader with a vision changes a “transactional manager” into a “transformational leader.” That means a manager will manage their employees. But in addition, a leader can tap into the emotions of their employees. They are far-sighted, driven and inspired by what a company can become. Visionary leaders are hard-working and believe in the greater good. They ensure a vision for the future with perseverance and keeping everybody invested in the process. A leader with vision does not hold back to take risks and unconventional decisions.
A great leader is always open to change, accept new ideas and view situations without bias. Open-mindedness is an asset to employees and leaders alike. Open-minded leaders consider creativity and provide feedback which helps leaders to break out of their normative thinking patterns. Being open-minded allows you to view things from a different perspective and apply things in new, novel ways. Open-minded leaders are trusted most by the employees that help them to develop new skills. Open-mindedness is a skill that anyone can learn. It involves accepting new suggestions, fostering an inclusive environment for ideas and patience.
Memperhatikan orang lain dan pemikirannya menempatkan harga diri pada setiap individu dari suatu kelompok. Menjadi seorang pemimpin yang adil menyiratkan tersedianya ide-ide terobosan, hasil yang dapat dibayangkan, sudut pandang, dan pemahaman bahwa tidak ada pendekatan yang "benar" untuk menyelesaikan sesuatu. Para pemimpin harus memiliki pilihan untuk mendengarkan, memperhatikan, dan mengubah arah jika diperlukan.