Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program


Date: Flexible
Time: Flexible
Mode of Delivery: Online & Offline
Pricing: Customisable
Who can participate: Primary Class, Middle School & High School Students
Duration: Flexible

Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program



Like a bouquet containing a lot of different flowers, a classroom consists of various kinds of students from different backgrounds. Hence, it becomes very important for teachers to manage this diversity adequately. 


So our Diversity, Equity & Inclusion program is specifically curated for teachers to equip them with DEI concepts, eradicate any unconscious biases, increase self-awareness and help them promote inclusivity in the classroom. 



For teachers

  • Teachers will get more aware of their identity and biases

  • Enhancing skills like empathy and fostering acceptance and understanding

  • Teachers can build a better rapport with their students


For students

  • Enhancement of student achievement in the classroom
  • When diversity is managed adequately, students feel safer and more confident
  • An increase in creativity, improved critical thinking and problem solving abilities


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