Great Resignation to Mass Layoff - Workplace Shift of 2022


Date: 10-12-2022
Time: 12:00 PM - 12:30 PM
Mode of Delivery: Online
Pricing: FREE
Who can participate: Open to working professionals across all industries, HR Professionals, Executives, Managers & Open to all
Duration: 1 Hour

Great Resignation to Mass Layoff - Workplace Shift of 2022


 2022 was a harsh year for the corporate world.

From the “Great Resignation” to Mass hiring which eventually made way for Mass firing, it has seen some tumultuous events, which shook the entire world.

But what are the causes of these events?

How and to what extent did they impact the workplace on a global scale?

Most importantly, how to cope with these changes and effects?

Join us for our "“Great Resignation” to “Mass Layoffs” - Workplace Shift of 2022" webinar on the December 10th at 12 PM to discuss and reflect on how the corporate buzzword changed from “I Quit” to “You Are Fired” this year.

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