Our workplaces have never looked like this before!
Currently, our workplaces have over 4 generations of employees. Each generation differs in its own ways.
1. Baby Boomers
2. Gen X
3. Millennials
4. Gen Z
While we don't wish to label people by their age, there are bound to be differences in the way people work, communicate or talk. Thus, affecting the overall culture and productivity of the organisation.
So, as an organisation, how can we deal with this?
Through our webinar, we will be covering exactly that, with topics such as
- What is a Multi-Generational Workforce?
- Understanding the different generations
- Identifying and learning the cause for differences between generations
- Communicating through various age groups
- Methods for HR to integrate a multi-generational workforce
Through our webinar, you will gain a better understanding and knowledge about the various ways you can understand employees of different ages.