Productivity Mindset: Exact Formula for Success


Date: 20-08-2022
Time: 12:00pm
Mode of Delivery: Online
Pricing: FREE
Who can participate: Open to working professionals across all industries, HR Professionals, Executives, Managers & Open to all
Duration: 1 Hour

Productivity Mindset: Exact Formula for Success


 “The knowledge of productive mindset can make or break a person's career”

What is it that makes people successful? Time Management?


Time is not your most precious resource: Your attention, energy and efforts are.

At its core, success is a result of numerous factors, the ultimate one being productivity. To achieve the highest level of productivity one has to focus fundamentally in building a mindset.

Through our most successful webinar build a productive mindset that teaches you-

👉🏻An intrinsic understanding of where time & energy should be allocated at work

👉🏻To understand your skill-sets & capabilities to perform better

👉🏻To achieve goals that otherwise never thought possible

👉🏻To focus on internal locus of control boosting motivation

​​👉🏻Develop a stronger disciple and optimistic attitude towards life goals


👉🏻 Core elements of a productive mindset- time, attention, and energy management

👉🏻 Learn how to build a productive mindset

👉🏻 Improve personal productivity - Role of Self-Reflection

👉🏻 3 simple productivity-boosting techniques at work

Our approach turns traditional time management on its head. You’ll walk away from this webinar feeling confident, clear, and equipped to be more productive 💯

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