Break the Biases


Date: 12th March 2022
Time: 12:00 PM
Mode of Delivery: Online
Pricing: FREE
Who can participate: Open for All
Duration: 1 Hour

Break the Biases


Be an ally & Reduce the biases with us. 

Celebrating Women's day, FriendsSquare is hosting an interactive session on #BreakTheBiases. Our aim is to address unconscious biases at both individual and organisational levels. Join us in making a change by understanding biases from the science of human behaviour and neuroscience. 


The basics of unconscious biases alone are not enough to eliminate the microaggressions that women face. Hence, our vision is to provide a holistic session with a series of steps & efforts to be an ally, forging an inclusive environment.

Learn to bridge the gap by helping women from all walks of life. 

Topic covered- 

  • Concept of unconscious biases 
  • Allyship- Be an ally for and with the women 
  • Use your privilege as a platform & Empower women

We bring you individuals from diverse spheres of life, sharing their stories of hardships & allyships. 

  • Recognise various types of biases 
  • Identify biases common to women at the workplace
  • Break free of the biassed traps of everyday 
  • Build a bridge by being an ally 
  • Identify specific ways to take action & create a meaningful impact


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