Mental fitness challenge - 15 days


Date: 2nd September 2021
Time: 7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Mode of Delivery: Online
Pricing: FREE
Who can participate: Open to working professionals across industries, Students, HRs, I/O & Business enthusiasts, Open for all
Duration: 2 Hours, 15 Days Follow up

Mental fitness challenge - 15 days


Physical fitness plays a very important role in keeping our body in shape and preventing us from various diseases further boosting life longevity.

Not only that it also helps us destress from our day-to-day hustle. 

The most underrated concept is our mind-body connection. We only use it during our physical fitness but what about our mental fitness? 

We need to understand that together our body and mind contribute to our overall well-being. 

Ask yourself, do you miss out on workouts or eating healthy?

The answer is NO! You take proactive measures for your physical fitness. 

Then why don’t you take proactive measures for your MENTAL FITNESS? 

When you go to bed after a long day, your body begins to relax. But does the mind follow? 

FriendsSquare is coming up with a 14 days mental fitness challenge. 

We are hosting a webinar on the 2nd of September at 7 pm IST where we will talk about the importance of mental fitness and the mind-body relationship. Followed by the webinar for the next 14 days we will have a theme for the type of activity we will be asking you to do.

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